Extended partnership pilot with TMLR for ICLR 2025
Last year, the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) hosted a select subset of papers published at the Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) as ICLR poster presentations. We have received positive feedback on this pilot program from both participants at ICLR as well as the presenters of these TMLR papers. We are thus running another year of the TMLR-to-ICLR pilot program at the upcoming ICLR (2025).
In 2024, we only considered TMLR papers with outstanding or featured certifications. This year, we will be expanding the pool of TMLR papers invited for a poster presentation at ICLR. Over the past few months we have been asking the action editor (AE) of each submission whether they find it appropriate for presentation at ICLR. For ICLR 2025, we will use this AE recommendation together with other signals, such as reviews and reviewer scores, in addition to outstanding and feature certifications, in order to invite the authors of approximately 100 TMLR papers to present their work at ICLR in 2025. For this year’s pilot, we will consider TMLR papers that have been published for at most two years prior to ICLR 2025 and were not presented at any previous ICLR or similar conference venue.
We plan to send out invitations to the authors of the selected TMLR papers later this year, with more details.
With this continued pilot program, we hope to highlight quality work from TMLR to a broader research community and to understand better how journals and conferences can collaborate with each other to improve the publication paradigm in machine learning.
The announcement for the first pilot of TMLR at ICLR in 2024: https://blog.iclr.cc/2023/10/06/authors-of-tmlr-publications-with-featured-and-outstanding-certifications-at-iclr-2024/