Reflection on the DEI Initiative at ICLR 2022
750 participants, 55 proposals, 8 months, 1 workshop, 15 speakers. A new and thriving research community. By ICLR 2022 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Co-Chairs, Rosanne Liu and Krystal Maughan ICLR 2022 has successfully come to an end. Having served as the DEI Chairs in the organizing committee, for the first time for both of us, […]
Announcing the ICLR 2022 Outstanding Paper Award Recipients
By ICLR 2022 Senior Program Chair Yan Liu and Program Chairs Chelsea Finn, Yejin Choi, Marc Deisenroth We are delighted to announce the recipients of the ICLR 2022 Outstanding Paper Awards! First, we would like to thank the members of the ICLR community, including reviewers, area chairs, and senior area charis, who provided valuable discussions […]
Mentorship Program for New Reviewers at ICLR 2022
Summary For ICLR 2022, we introduced a mentoring scheme for reviewers, who are new to reviewing for machine learning conferences. Below, we describe the motivation, the implementation, and the result. Motivation Finding reviewers for conferences or journals is challenging: The reviewing system is almost a closed circle with unclear/undefined processes to join, and where members […]
Announcing ICLR 2022 Keynote Speakers
By ICLR 2022 Senior Program Chair Yan Liu and Program Chairs Chelsea Finn, Yejin Choi, Marc Deisenroth We are thrilled to host the following keynote speakers at ICLR 2022: John H. Amuasi (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology) Jenny L. Davis (The Australian National University) Been Kim (Google Brain) Pushmeet Kohli (DeepMind) Kunle Olukotun […]
Announcing the Accepted Workshops at ICLR 2022
By ICLR 2022 Workshop Chairs, Feryal Behbahani and Vukosi Marivate.
We want to thank everyone who submitted a proposal. We were very impressed by the quality of these proposals and thrilled to be able to include some of them as part of the ICLR program. We received 45 total submissions and accepted 19 workshops.
Blog Posts as Conference Contributions
By the Blog Post Track chairs: Bubeck, Sebastien, Microsoft; Dobre, David, Mila; Gauthier, Charlie, Mila; Gidel, Gauthier, Mila; Vernade, Claire, DeepMind.
ICLR 2022 will host an inaugural blog post track, and is now accepting submissions (submission deadline: January 7). This blog post outlines the motivations and key ideas behind the ICLR 2022 blog track.
Broadening Our Call for Participation to ICLR 2022
By ICLR 2022 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Co-Chairs, Rosanne Liu and Krystal Maughan.
In 2022, in an effort to broaden the diversity of the pool of participants to ICLR 2022, we are starting a program specifically assisting underrepresented, underprivileged, independent, and particularly first-time ICLR submitters. We hope this program can help create a path for prospective ICLR authors—who would not otherwise have considered participating in, or working on a submission to ICLR—to join the ICLR community, find project ideas, collaborators, mentorship and computational support throughout the submission process, and establish valuable connections and first-hand training during their early career.